Plankamon is a small Village/hamlet in Koipuram Block in Pathanamthitta District of Kerala State, India. It comes under Airoor Panchayath. It belongs to South Kerala Division . It is located 15 KM towards North from District head quarters Pathanamthitta. 11 KM from Koipuram. 119 KM from State capital Thiruvananthapuram
Plankamon Pin code is 689612 and postal head office is Ayroor North .
Thottapuzhassery ( 6 KM ) , Kozhencherry ( 6 KM ) , Ezhumattoor ( 7 KM ) , Naranganam ( 8 KM ) , Mallapuzhassery ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Plankamon. Plankamon is surrounded by Koipuram Block towards west , Ranni Block towards East , Mallappally Block towards west , Pathanamthitta Block towards South .
Pathanamthitta , Thiruvalla , Chengannur , Changanassery are the near by Cities to Plankamon.
This Place is in the border of the Pathanamthitta District and Alappuzha District. Alappuzha District Chengannur is west towards this place